Alice Starmore Hebridean Yarn
I was born and bred in the Isle of Lewis where nature surrounds us in its most elemental form. One of the most eternally fascinating aspects of living on an island at the edge of a vast ocean is its ability to transform its mood and colours a thousand times before your eyes on any given day of every season. It would be perfectly possible to write a long litany of effects from the subtle to the spectacular, created by light, wind, rain and mist on hill and moor, loch and ocean, These mercurial effects are written into my psyche from a lifetime of experience and observation, so when it came to creating the colours for my Hebridean yarn range, it was essential that I imbued each individual colour with this ever-changing quality. My aim was to design a yarn range that would allow me to create patterns and colour effects as endlessly varied and mercurial as the landscape. The process involves dyeing wool fleece in a myriad of different shades and then blending particular shades together to an exact degree in order to create each colour. It is a highly skilled and painstaking process but very worthwhile – working with any of the colours, singly or in combination, is for me, to put it simply, pure endless joy.